Share Your Input to Shape the Future! Your name Your email What issues matter most to you going into the 2026 midterms? The economyReproductive rightsSocial security and MedicareClimate changeForeign policyThe opioid epidemicGun controlImmigration reformHealthcareEducationProtecting democracy What actions by Republican politicians concern you the most? Confirming more far-right justices to the Supreme CourtRaising taxes on working familiesRepealing the Affordable Care ActCutting Medicare and Social SecurityIncreasing prices on groceries and everyday goodsPassing national bans on abortion and IVF What direction should Democrats take leading up to the 2026 midterms? Defending incumbents – Protecting every Democrat, including those in key battleground statesFlipping seats - Use maximum resources in battleground states to flip red seats blueNew faces - Put the spotlight on new, young Democrats running in 2026 and see how they perform on the national stage How would you like to receive content from Democratic candidates? EmailTextSocial mediaTV ads How do you want to get involved? VolunteeringDonating to campaignsRunning for officePosting on social media Are there any other notes you want to give us going into the 2026 midterms? We appreciate your time. Your responses will be recorded, and we would love to continue our conversations in the future. Stay informed and engaged with No Dem Left Behind, thank you for contributing to our movement.